Elizabeth Taylor: Heart Surgery Went On Well 2009/10/9 15:00:05

Actress Elizabeth Taylor said that her heart surgery went off perfectly, saying that it's like having a brand new ticker. 

Taylor, 77, made the announcement on her Twitter page, which has replaced her publicist as her primary form of communication.
She revealed that she would be entering an undisclosed hospital for the procedure. 
The surgery involved implanting a clip to prevent blood leaking back into her heart through the mitral valve. 

"Dear Friends, My heart procedure went off perfectly," she wrote.
It's like having a brand new ticker. Thank you for your prayers and good wishes. I know they all helped. Love you, Elizabeth." 
 Taylor was diagnosed with congestive heart failure five years ago and also has endured severe back problems and a benign brain tumour operation.

She often uses a wheelchair in her rare public appearances.

Mini Biography For Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor is considered one of the last, if not the last major star, to have come out of the old Hollywood studio system. And not just any studio, the top of the heap: MGM. Her early movies, as a child in the early 1940s, starred such Hollywood luminaries as Orson Welles and Spencer Tracy. She quickly grew up, however, and by 1950 was, if not starring in, assuming major responsibilities for the success of motion pictures she appeared in. Then with major roles onscreen, came worldwide attention off-screen, most notably due to a succession of famous and/or rich husbands and a series of health crises throughout her life. To put it simply, Elizabeth Taylor has lived a life far more exciting and dramatic than any movie she's ever appeared in and probably most any other movie you could name. She's known internationally for her beauty, especially for those violet eyes, with which she captured audiences early on in her youth and has kept the world hooked on ever since. She's won the Oscar twice and she's earned her place in and out of the sun.

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