Dexter Attracts Millions of Viewers 2011/6/9 20:38:45

Do you know why Dexter attracts so many viewers; The Dexter TV show on Showtime is practical for TV viewers for three main reasons. In Dexter DVD show, Dexter works in the forensic lab at the Miami Metro Police Department. He is the head blood splatter analysis. Even though he has an extreme desire to kill, what viewers must understand is that Dexter only kills other killers. In turn, is doing the city of Miami Dade County justice.

There are so many reasons why Dexter attracts so many people. Now, let me tell the most important three reasons for Dexter attract so many people. At first, Dexter's flashbacks get viewers involved emotionally. Because Dexter appears as a general, every day Miami citizen, viewers can't help but notice what it's like to be in the mind of a complex, supercharged murderous killer. It is because he also thinks like a regular human being that viewers become emotionally attached to Dexter as a character in the show itself. All the episode of the Dexter season TV show is interesting, and I like it very much. Second, Dexter does not have any real feelings. It is exciting to watch a character that has to fake the fact that he feels like a normal human being. To accomplish this he has a girlfriend that just as psychologically disturbed as he is. She and Dexter lead a normal intimate relationship. The fact that this is not easy to do is what gives the Dexter show its proclaimed, clever demeanor. The last but not least, Dexter is a serial killer. Watching a show that is half narrated by the voice of someone's head is a good way to keep audiences captivated. It is especially even more interesting when those voices are the thoughts of a serial killer. After I watch it, all I want to say Dexter is perfect, the main character does a great job, and I like it very much.

With the excellent characters and attractive plot, I think one will love it at the first sight you watch it. It’s obvious that why the Dexter DVD TV shows attract so many people watch. It’s really a good TV show, and you can’t miss it. After you watch it, maybe you can’t help recommending it to you friends.

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