Is This the First New Lost Still? 2010/1/23 10:57:19

Oh, you tricky Lost producers. Telling us we won't see new footage from Season 6 until the premiere on February 2. I'm wagging my finger at you.

The latest promotional video hyping the new season starts off like all the rest, only backwards. Old footage is rewound (John Locke falling out of a building, the plane unexploding), further enforcing the "reset timeline" theory, but there's one nanosecond of footage that's a real treasure.

Approximately 15 seconds into the 30-second spot, there's a glimpse of a blonde holding a gun. That blonde is Claire, looking a little more scraggly than usual. In fact, and this has been pointed out by messageboard users, she's looking a little bit Rousseau in the frame, all crazy-eyed, jungle-hearted, and of course, packing some heat.

Theory time! What did Rousseau and Claire have in common? They both gave birth on an island that doesn't allow babies to be born. And apparently they're both trotting through a jungle with guns. Is Claire the new Rousseau?

Are things simply repeating on the island in some weird version of the time-loop theory? Is Ajira 316 the new Oceanic 815? Are Cesar and Ilana a new Kate and Jack? Is that copilot who died when Ajira 316 crashed the new copilot who died when Oceanic 815 crashed? Am I looking into things way too hard when I should just enjoy the ride? Probably. What do you think?

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